Tuesday, August 28, 2012

I cannot  believe we have completed two days of school already! Time is flying by! We are already learning about place value, the value of numbers, Colonial America, sequencing, chronology, weather instruments, Hurricane Issac, and how to predict weather! Ask your children about any of these topics over dinner tonight!
We are working together to become organized 5th graders! Please gather all school materials as soon as possible!

Some reminders:
Planners need to be signed by a parent every night! 
IF your child will have a change in transportation, please write a note!
Please return all papers by Friday! Use the checklist on the newsletter sent home on Monday to make sure you have returned each one. I know that it is a lot! 

Thank you for all of the donations of school supplies for our classroom! We have already been putting them to good use!

Pack your umbrella and rain boots this week as we will see the reminiscence of Hurricane Isaac.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Thank you to all of the families that came out to open house tonight! It was great to meet everyone and get to know my students better. I know there was a lot of information tonight. Please feel free to contact me with any questions (wildasa@gcsnc.com). 
If you took your papers home with you, please return them with your students to school on Monday! Look for our first newsletter in the cover of the blue folder on Monday.
I hope that you are excited about the 5th grade! I know that it is going to fly by. I cannot wait to see these students grow and learn throughout the year! 

For the first day of school: 
- get a good night sleep!
-eat a good breakfast!
- come with a smile!
-come ready to learn!

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Welcome back! Welcome back! Welcome back!
I am so excited about the year ahead of us! We are going to have such a great adventure with new schedules, new staff, new curriculum, and new expectations!
 I look forward to meeting and seeing everyone at open house on 
August 23rd from 4:00-6:00!